Jemima Afari-Kwarteng is a business advisor in Agriterra’s West African team based in Accra, Ghana. She has expertise in Agribusiness Management and passionate about agri-food- systems. In October 2019, she joined Agriterra as a business advisor in Ghana. She is self-motivated and enjoys working with cooperatives.
Before joining Agriterra, she was worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Ghana, Legon with the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness. She was able to join senior lecturers to conduct field researches within the area of agriculture. Jemima later pursued a master’s degree in Management, Economic and Consumer Studies and specialised in Business Management and Organisation at the Wageningen University and Research.
During her masters study she came into contact with Agriterra and had the opportunity to travel to Zambia to do an internship with sunflower cooking oil cooperatives. After her masters she joined the Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and an Agri-business Junior Consultant where she supported with reporting, monitoring and evaluation, event organisation.