In Burkina Faso we have been able to link the 2 domains of water management and sustainable agriculture, in a new programme called ECDD-GIRE.
In French is it ‘Eau Cle du Developpement Durable Gestion Integree des Ressources en Eau’, which easily translates as Water as Key in Sustainable Development - Integrated Water Resource Management.
The programme has a duration of 5 years, with a total budget of around 9 Million euro.
The first phase now is a 6 month inception phase in which the details of the programme are worked out, including the identification of 16 horticulture cooperatives located in 8 water-management areas in Burkina Faso.
The program is lead by World Water Net, a Dutch organisation specialised in water management with a history in water projects in Burkina Faso, in a consortium with Agriterra and Auxfin, a Dutch ICT company with whom we already work together in Burkina Faso in another EKN financed Horticulture project.
Whereas the focus of the programme is on sustainable water management, and on strengthening the capacity of the local water management committees, as well as the introduction of ICT tools for water management, agriculture plays an important role as 70% of water is used for agriculture and with many water committee members being farmers, some organised in horti-cooperatives.
Linking therefore water management with agricultural practices, specifically introducing and promoting agro-ecological solutions related to sustainable water management, is a logical step.
To improve water management and access to water in order to increase income and strengthen climatic and economic resilience within the grassroots community in Burkina Faso.