EthiopiaCooperative advisor

Gadisa Fikadu Gutu

Gadisa is an experienced Agriculture and Cooperatives management specialist with more than 16 years of work experience in the areas of Agriculture and Rural Development, Cooperatives Business Management, Agricultural Output marketing Value chain and Agriculture and Rural Livelihood development. 

Currently he is serving at the Agriterra-Ethiopia team in the capacity of Cooperatives Advisor. Previously, he served at Save the Children International (SCI), in the areas of Agriculture and Livelihood Project Manager and Agriculture and Livelihood Project Coordinator for the project Growth Through Nutrition (GTN). Before SCI, he worked at Self Help Africa Funded by Ireland Country under Access to Market to Smallholder Farmers Program in the capacity of Senior Agricultural Project Officer. 

Gadisa has served at Local NGO Stand for Vulnerable Organization (SVO) with the Project Agricultural Technology Innovation in the capacity Senior Project Supervisor. He served at Agriculture and Rural development office at West shoa Zone Bako Tibe District in the capacity of Agriculture and Rural Development Office Head, Agricultural Extension dissemination Team Leader, Agricultural Cooperatives Promotion Team Leader and Agricultural Input supply Coordination Team Leader at Government Organization in Ethiopia.

Gadisa holds MA in Cooperatives Management from Ambo University, in Ethiopia, M.A degree in Development Study (Rural Livelihood Development) from Ambo University of Ethiopia, B. A degree in Cooperatives Business Management from Ambo University in Ethiopia and an Advanced Diploma in General Agriculture from Ambo College of Agriculture. He has a TOT on Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture from SCI, Post Harvesting Handling Technic organized by IFAD, Crop production Management, Agricultural Marketing and Business Plan Development organized by CASCAP Program and Addis Ababa University, Certificate of Award, Appreciation and different trainings of Cooperatives business management. 

He is an active contributor to the development of Agricultural Cooperatives Development, Rural Livelihood Development, and Agriculture and Rural Development Development, which impact the development of the Agricultural Cooperatives and agricultural sector Development. 

Through his previous experiences, he learned the importance of teamwork, supervision, team, time and resource management, project management, formulation and approval, and analytical skills. Gadisa likes to participate or be involved with farmers and has the passion and enthusiasm to address cooperative farmer challenges for growth and change in the livelihood status of farmers at a grassroots level. 

Currently, he is working as a Cooperatives Advisor at Agriterra Ethiopia- BRIDGE+ Project for Oromia Region, Adama.



Jansbuitensingel 7
6811 AA Arnhem
The Netherlands

+31 (0)26 44 55 445