Agripool recruiter and chairperson Works Council

Nicole Maatkamp

Nicole Maatkamp (Varsseveld, 1971) traveled to Cannes when she finished high school, in order to work as au pair and learn French at the International College. In France, she also worked several months as instructor by a children camp in Provence.

When she returned to the Netherlands, she continued her academic development by studying tourism. Once graduationshe lived and worked in different cities such as London and Jersey, she also lived a period in Ireland. During the time spent abroad, she worked as receptionist, guide, hostess and as manager reservations for different companies. Finally she returned to the Netherlands to settle in 2004 accompanied by her husband and children, since then she has been working during several years as an instructor in an indoor play garden for children.

Since September 2012 Nicole works as receptionist for Agriterra on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.



Jansbuitensingel 7
6811 AA Arnhem
The Netherlands

+31 (0)26 44 55 445