Climate Resilient Agribusiness for Tomorrow

The CRAFT project (June 2018 – May 2023), funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will increase the availability of climate smart foods for the growing population in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

The project is implemented by SNV (lead) in partnership with Wageningen University and Research (WUR), CGIAR’s Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Agriterra and Rabo Partnerships. 

Agriterra’s role

The main role for Agriterra is institutionalising the Climate interventions at cooperative level. This includes:

  • Profiling, scoping and assessing cooperatives
  • Strengthening the institutional framework for cooperatives in governance and financial management
  • Support in developing Climate Smart Business plans and their implementation
  • Develop financing strategies for the cooperatives for possible co-investments
  • Institutionalising the Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) interventions at cooperative level to ensure sustainability

Farmer Cooperatives play a critical role in resource allocation, governance and decision making at all levels. Given that Agriculture is one of the main contributors to climate change, there is need to influencing decisions at this level to ensure that farmers take climate action sustainably. Climate Clever Cooperatives are cooperatives that are resilient to the impacts of climate change, reduce their negative impact wherever possible, and increase their productivity in a sustainable way. 

For more information:

Download the flyer ‘CRAFT and Agriterra. Cooperatives, solution to climate change!’ 

Download CRAFT Annual Public Report 2021

Download the CRAFT factsheet

Download here a summary factsheet for CRAFT in Kenya

Download here a summary factsheet for CRAFT in Tanzania

Download here the CRAFT 2022 Calendar 

News articles about CRAFT:



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The Netherlands

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