
Our coordinators

West Africa

Erwin Brouwer

Regional manager

East Africa

Stijn van Geel

Regional manager

Africa Great Lakes

Jasper Spikker

Regional manager


Phillip Morey

Regional manager


Experiences of others

Withouth Agriterra, we would never have started the Niger project. We want to concentrate on researching varieties and facilitating the growth process. That is our expertise. But how to create and monitor a cooperative - that's where Agriterra comes in.

- Martin Slot, De Groot en Slot

FACT-method was at the core for our successful lobby.

- Ivan Asiimwe, Manager UCA Ltd, Uganda

Cooperatives the engine of progress


Jansbuitensingel 7
6811 AA Arnhem
The Netherlands

+31 (0)26 44 55 445