Elisha Kemboi is a Cooperative Advisor based in Nairobi, Kenya. He joined Agriterra on 1st August 2023. His initial assignment is to provide advice and support to cooperatives and farmer organisations under the "Act Now" and “Climate Resilient Agribusinesses For Tomorrow (CRAFT)” projects, aimed at addressing food security & nutrition, economic empowerment, climate adaptation, and mitigation in a sustainable manner.
Prior to joining Agriterra, Elisha worked as the Lead Advisor in fodder Agronomy at Perfometer
Agribusiness Limited. In this role, his primary responsibility was to offer technical support in fodder
agronomy and general dairy management practices to dairy cooperatives. He actively participated in the implementation of various projects funded by different donor organizations, including the Kenya Marketled Dairy Project (KMDP) by SNV, Kenya Rural Development Program (KRDP) by SNV, East African Dairy Program (EADD) spearheaded by ILRI, ICRAF & Heifer International, Dairy Profit by CTA Netherlands, and Kenya Crops and Dairy Market Systems (KCDMS) by USAID.
Elisha holds a degree in Horticulture and is currently working on his thesis titled "Assessment of Genotype X Environment, Adaptability Analysis, and Participatory Variety Selection of Potato Mutants in Kenya" for his MSc in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology. His areas of interest include climate-smart agriculture and evaluating the impact of climate change on the dairy sub-sector. As a dedicated professional with extensive experience in project management and agribusiness development, Elisha is strongly motivated to support farmers via cooperatives & farmer organisations in achieving food security & nutrition. He leverages his expertise in fodder agronomy, dairy advisory, soil fertility management, conservation agriculture, and project management to contribute effectively to these objectives.
Elisha is enthusiastic about the prospects of mutual synergy, continuous learning, and long-term career growth at Agriterra.