Smart investment in a healthy agricultural sector

Are you looking for opportunities for smart investments with high social impact? Agricultural cooperatives and organisations in emerging economies want to make progress, and to do so, they need good business plans, loans and operating capital.

Agriterra is locally established and is the link between your goals and the opportunities presented by agricultural cooperatives and organisations in emerging economies.

From working capital to loans: we support you as an investor and we assist cooperatives to make their organisations reliable, which includes supporting them in writing business plans. We also advise cooperatives after they have received funds from you. For you as an investor, we monitor investments and we provide post-finance support.

Training & Workshops

More information?

Please contact Elske Koelman, Business developer at


Jansbuitensingel 7
6811 AA Arnhem
The Netherlands

+31 (0)26 44 55 445