Dawit Setegn Hailegiorgis is born and grew up in Ethiopia. He is an experienced agribusiness specialist with hands-on work experience in the areas of agribusiness, marketing, value chain development, and project planning, monitoring, and evaluation.
He serves at Agriterra Ethiopia in the capacity of Senior Cooperative Advisor since October 2022. Previously, he served at GIZ-Ethiopia and Djibouti, in the capacity of Private Sector Development Advisor. During his stay, he coordinated university youth graduates to establish a startup venture by organising Agro-Business Ideas Competition and awarded the finalists a startup grant through collaboration with Mastercard Foundation.
He served at the EATA under Agricultural Commercialization Cluster Program for the post of Senior Project Officer for Value Chain Development, and Marketing. He worked on a project supporting smallholder farmers aiming to address production and market-related challenges in Ethiopia.
He served at the Ethiopian Development Research Institute in the capacity of Senior Research Assistant, where he supported in collecting, analysing, and synthesizing raw data and relevant literature for scholars writing and contributing chapters for the Oxford Handbook on the Ethiopian Economy.
He worked for the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia and enrolled in the Management Trainee Program, before departure for study to the Netherlands. He started his career by serving at the Ministry of Agriculture in the capacity of Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation (M&E) Specialist at the Planning and Programming Directorate.
Dawit holds MSc in Agricultural Production Chain Management from Van Hall Larenstein University, the Netherlands, M.A. degree in Regional and Local Development Studies from Addis Ababa University, and a B. A degree in Economics from Mekelle University in Ethiopia. He has specialist certifications in MEL from MDF Training & Consultancy, in the Netherlands, and Agriculture Policy Planning from JICA in Japan, among others.
Through his prior experiences, he managed to learn the importance of teamwork, cooperation, managing time, project formulation and approval, proposal development, and analytical skills among others. In general, he is an active contributor to the development of agribusiness and smallholder farmers. He believes production and market-related challenges can be sustainably addressed by establishing and strengthening farmer organizations and cooperatives.
He is passionate and would like to contribute to the actions of achieving the growth and transformation of smallholder farmers and farmer organisations.