Burkina FasoCooperative advisor

Minata Coulibaly

Minata Coulibaly is a business advisor based in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. She joined Agriterra in February 2020. Minata has ten years professional experience in communications, project management and marketing. She has held various position in national and international NGO’s working in the field of Agriculture, Market Information System (MIS), renewable energy and  small-scale, artisanal mining from 2009 to date. 

Before joining Agriterra, Minata was a communication officer for NGO’s. She started in a farmer community based organisation called FNZ. She was involved in empowering women and youth in ICT, entrepreneurship, cooperative development, marketing and communication. This has built her capacity in the area of rural development and has been a vital value of her polyvalence.

Minata recently obtained a masters degree in Policy and Practice from Graduate institute in Geneva. She works on how agricultural incubators can enhance youth entrepreneurship. She is involved in community development and led a youth platform called ‘Young Professionals for Agricultura Research and  Development‘ in Burkina Faso. Her academic background is in journalism and communication from university of Ouagadougou, and holds a certificate in innovation and rural development from the International Center oriented in Research in Agriculture, ICRA, based in Wageningen/Netherlands.  She also has a masters in Agriculture, innovation and rural development of university of Ouagadougou. 



Jansbuitensingel 7
6811 AA Arnhem
The Netherlands

+31 (0)26 44 55 445