''Be part of the solution and a voice to farmers''


This is Zenebech Bayissa Gebremedhin and is 37 years old. Since 2007 she is the General Manager on Primary Arib Gebeya Cooperative. She is as well the member of Board on Becho Woliso Multi-Purpose Farmers’ Cooperative Union. 

Zenebech Bayissa Gebremedhin, 37 years
Becho Woliso Farmers’ Cooperative Union Ltd.
Oromia region, West Shewa Tulo Bolo (Dawo woreda), Ethiopia

Zenebech also has been asked to participate on social activities within her area, as she is a well-educated woman. Afterwards she got a training on improved seed multiplication which she successfully finalized. Consequently, she joined the cooperative and wanted to share her experience. There were still problems that were not solved yet. “I decided to be part of the solution and  a voice for farmers.”            

Zenebech really enjoys her work as a general manager at the cooperative, although it is sometimes tough. “There are community attitudes towards women, a heavy workload social responsibility, travelling a lot and sometimes you spent long days from home”. Having influential women in the cooperative is key, as they promote gender equality and are an example to other women. Next to this, she argues that women are often more transparent, determined to achieve goals and have an internal interest. In order to encourage female leadership a cooperative should give trainings and create awareness. “Women who are leaders should get some more benefits or honour.”

In the coming years, Zenebech hopes the cooperative will develop to become more profitable and that more women will be included. “But this needs more time and commitment.” To get more women active in the cooperatives, women should become aware of the benefits of a cooperative. “They should be taught that they are equal to men and an experience sharing program should be arranged.”    

Zenebech hopes to see in the future a lot of young women as member in the cooperatives and as well leaders in cooperatives. She is committed to give full time for women and female members and to share her experience. Her personal wish is to have a happy family and to open a shop!

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