Impact of the Technical Assistance Facility


For several years the Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) has provided advisory services to SME’s, financial institutions (FI’s) and cooperatives worldwide. This page links to seven impact stories displaying the wide variety of support and possibilities TAF has to offer. The provided advisory and technical services have led to cooperative development, farmer transformation, strengthened business performances and increased incomes.

More information about TAF

TAF was created by IFAD as a separate facility connected to the ABC fund that provides advisory services to SME’s, financial institutions (FI’s) and cooperatives, allowing them to access new opportunities for partnerships and business development. The TAF consortium is led by Agriterra, with as partners Rabobank Partnerships, Advance Consultant and AgriCord. 

The objectives of TAF to improve the growth and development performance of ABC Fund investees by providing suitable and timely TA services, and to support implementation of the monitoring and evaluation through the ESG tool and higher-level reporting on general outcomes/impact.

The expected outcome of the services is better performing SME’s, FI’s and cooperatives with positive direct and indirect impacts on rural men, women, and youth. By measuring the impact and by collecting impact stories it has become clear that the TAF has proven its value over the years and is continuing to do so.

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