Maize, cows and transformative growth


The sensational feeling during the visit to COAMANYA in harvest season

Stepping onto the fields of COAMANYA cooperative during the harvesting season is an immersive experience that reflects the essence of hard work, determination, and community spirit. The sight of farmers in COAMANYA carefully gathering cobs of maize, tenderly placing them within their collective facility brings happiness not only because of the harvest; but also it is an emotional feeling.

Established in 2014 with 400 members and born from a desire to profitably exploit the marshlands of Gishubi in Gisagara District, Southern Province of Rwanda, COAMANYA is a cooperative of 720 dedicated members, comprising 215 women and 505 men. This cooperative embarked on a transformative journey, overcoming limits of traditional subsistence farming, once reliant on crops like pumpkins and sweet potatoes. 

The shift towards cultivating cash crops like maize was initially met with skepticism among the members. However, as time unfolded, this transition became an encouragement of success and gratitude. The once-resistant members now stand happy for what they achieved through this transformation. 

Cows coupled with maize farming

In order to improve maize productivity, one of COAMANYA's visionary commitments since 2020, was ensuring that every member owns a cow that provides manure. Starting with only 216 members owning cows in 2020, it's impressive that over 480 members managed to introduce cattle farming in their households by October 2023. It's clear that the initiative has been highly successful, achieving its objective at an impressive rate of 96%.

This accomplishment not only indicates a significant increase in cow ownership, but also highlights the dedication and effort put forth by the members and the cooperative in boosting the yield.

The cooperative operates as a collective force, amplifying the impact of its initiatives. The primary focus on maize cultivation has not only contributed to economic growth, but has become a vehicle for achieving financial, economic, and social goals. Through collaborative efforts, COAMANYA has become a model for sustainable agriculture and community development. 


COAMANYA doesn't just stop at the fields; The cooperative contributes to the improved livelihood of its members as indicated by the below testimonies.
1. Tharzilla Mushimiyimana
Tharcilla, a 49-year-old woman, stated the importance of combining maize farming and cattle farming. “I used to grow pumpkin, yam and potatoes in this marshland, but my life changed when I adhered to maize farming in 2019. I bought a calf that reproduced after one year, then I sold its calf and the maize production of the 2021 season. This was enough money to renovate my house and take care of my sons who were ready for marriage”. Tharcilla went on saying that the overall objective is to acquire the farm farmland of marshland and invest in household assets, explicitly a modern house.
2. Felix Ingabire and his wife Donatha Nyonkuru
Felix and his wife Donata’s story showcases a remarkable transformation and the profound impact of maize farming on improved livelihood and social welfare. Felix joined COAMANYA with a modest landholding of 0.30 hectares in 2018, Felix initially focused on cultivating maize. In 2019, despite the smaller land size, Felix managed to produce 600kgs of maize that he sold at 200Rwf /kg. The income from this harvest enabled him to acquire a cow. This is a strategic decision that marked a turning point in Felix's agricultural practices as the cow's manure became a vital asset for enhancing his maize cultivation.
As a result of the use of manure, the production doubled to 1,200kgs the following year, demonstrating the substantial impact of implementing improved farming techniques. This surge in productivity laid the groundwork for greater financial gains. The price of maize increased to 450Rwf per kg in 2021. Capitalizing on this financial windfall, Felix invested in a sewing machine for his wife, opening up a new avenue for income generation.

About the machine, Donatha declared: “This machine doesn’t only contribute to the family income but also to the improved social welfare as a family. In addition, by securing a job for myself, I currently feel more confident as a woman”. Furthermore, Felix's prudent financial planning enabled him to expand his cattle farming.
3. Venuste Nyitegeka
Venuste, 55-years-old, embarked on a challenging journey when he transitioned to maize farming with COAMANYA in 2014. Breaking away from traditional crops like yam, sweet potatoes, and sorghum, deeply ingrained in the community's farming practices for generations, wasn't easy. To add to the challenge, Venuste added that in 2014, the prices for maize were unattractive, varying between 80-120 Rwf /kg. 
However, the tide turned in 2020 when maize prices increased to around 500Rwf per kg. Venuste's fortune changed dramatically during this period. He added: “It was in 2022 that I managed to renovate my house and even expanded my cattle farming by acquiring two additional cows”. Venuste recognizes the value of owning cows as an essential asset that went beyond milk production. He also understands the crucial role these animals play in enhancing productivity through their valuable manure, which is vital for soil fertility and crop yields. 
When asked about his future, Venuste's vision within the cooperative is full of ambition. Reflecting on realisations made over the past three years through the collaboration with Agriterra and the implementation of Good Agricultural Practices, Venuste envisions an even more prosperous trajectory ahead. His immediate goal for the next two years is to acquire a motorcycle, recognising its pivotal role in arranging transportation within his rural area. 

Rural development

In conclusion; the cooperative's dedication to agriculture, reflected in embracing new agricultural techniques in combination with the strategic ownership of cows that produce organic manure, showcases a model for rural development. The success stories of members like Tharcilla, Felix and Venuste, who have transformed their lives through maize farming, serve as inspiring examples of how these initiatives have uplifted not just agricultural practices but the overall quality of life for the community. The ripple effects of increased income, improved housing, additional sources of revenue, and aspirations for further growth within the cooperative, demonstrate the transformative power of agriculture and collective action. As COAMANYA continues to innovate and expand its horizons, it paves the way for a more prosperous and sustainable future for its members, reflecting the spirit of hope, resilience, and progress.





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