Donatus Kaspar Mwenda a male Tanzanian was born in 1964 in Lucerne, Switzerland by Tanzanian parents. Together with his parents he moved to Africa at age 2. He is living in Songea town, Ruvuma region in Tanzania. He is married and has one daughter and two sons.
His passion is to see that cooperatives are financially strong, stable, provide better services and are trusted by both members and other key stakeholders. This can be possible by starting with a few demonstration cooperatives, one per district or per region, without breaking any law and cooperative principles.
His academic achievements include a diploma in Cooperative management, a post graduate diploma in SACCOS management and several short courses of two to four weeks within Tanzania training institutions. International short courses include those undertaken in Germany about mobilisation of financial resources for self-help groups, in Kenya about Assessing capacity of farmers organisations, and in The Netherlands about Financial management.
He has 30 years of working experience in the cooperative sector within Tanzania, served as a cooperative officer for 5 years, SACCOS manager for 10 years, SACCOS zonal manager for 5 years and 5 years up to date he has been partly working as freelance consultant for cooperatives and working in Agriterra on part time basis as local consultant for 4 years. In 2019 he started as a business advisor in charge of capacity enhancement of cooperatives involved in a project aiming to produce fine beans, peas and avocado for export.
His expertise in cooperatives can be summarised in categories as formation of cooperatives and outreach of members, formulation of working tools and policies within a framework of cooperative law, credit management, Liquidity management, Accounting management, Financial management and development of business strategic plans.
During leisure time Donatus enjoys reading or listening to current local and international news and exchanging ideas with family members, friends and relatives.