Progress Report Cooperatives for Change project (C4C): 2nd quarter of 2014
Through the project "Cooperatives for Change (C4C): Value Chain Approach for Cooperative Development in Ethiopia", SNV and Agriterra cooperate to improve the business performance of agricultural cooperative unions and producer cooperatives in Ethiopia. The objective of the project is to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmer households in Ethiopia by modelling and scaling up linkages of farmer organisations to remunerative and reliable markets through business arrangements with buyers and service providers, access to inputs and finance, technologies and strengthening of their capacities to meet the requirements of the markets in terms of quantity and quality. More than 42,000 smallholder farmers' households as members of the unions and their cooperative will benefit directly, through the new relationships established and capacities built with the support of the project. The four-year project, which started one year ago, will provide smallholder farmers' households a more stable and profitable market for their crops, while enabling them to benefit more fully through their organisations of a strengthened enabling environment. The attached PDF file provides a quick insight in the progress made in the second quarter of 2014.