Rijk Zwaan China cooperates with Agriterra

22-12-2015 Rijk Zwaan China and Agriterra have cooperated successfully in a two-days' workshop at the Ziyang Vegetable Federation in Sichuan, China.

At the first day, Agripooler Mr. Peter Brouwers presented, how to become a succesfull cooperative with committed members. Key words in his contribution were added value, service and internal capitalisation. For the 2nd day, Agriterra invited Rijk Zwaan China to give advice on crop growing and new varieties in relation with sustainable use of the soil. The reaction of Jan Doldersum, manager marketing & business development Asia from Rijk Zwaan, directly was positive. To give a presentation for this federation gives this Dutch company commercial chances.

With their Unique Selling Point AgriPool, Agriterra is also able to provide all kinds of technical trainings. Goal of Agriterra is to expand the Agripool with foreign experts. Benefit for Agriterra in this case was, that we could support a Chinese cooperative and a Dutch company, but we didn’t have to fly in Dutch experts. A perfect combination of aid and trade. About 80 people of the federation were visiting the workshop.
Two experienced experts, Mr. Liubo and Mr. Wei Wang from Rijk Zwaan, had made an interesting program. They started presenting a movie from Rijk Zwaan. This company is  researching 25 different crops, which lead to more than a 1000 commercial varieties. The aim is to provide top quality varieties for the professional growers. They have 30 demonstration locations and 300 demonstration farmers. Some of the crops they presented were tomatoes, red and green pepper and eggplant in green houses.

In the afternoon, they presented a PPT about pest- and disease Control, related to the soil. They showed by many pictures several diseases, so people could recognize them in their own crops. A lot of people took pictures with their smart phones. The last part of the presentation was about arable crops, for instance Spinach, Cauliflower , Broccoli , White and Red Cabbage. The importance of the soil in relation to the crops was mentioned many times, the pictures made clear the differences. 

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