From 8 to 11 December, a Vietnamese (trade) delegation of approximately 35 people came to The Netherlands, led by Vietnam's Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Cuong. Agriterra was responsible for a part of the programme.
Business advisor from Agriterra Bertine Schieven: "It was a real honor to host minister Cuong from Vietnam and explain to him and his delegation about the cooperative sector in Netherlands, and to give the delegation recommendations how to bring the cooperative sector in Vietnam to the next level."
Early in the morning the delegation had a tour at Royal Flora Holland. After that, there were four short presentatons. Gijs Kok told about Royal Flora Holland, a flourishing cooperative in The Netherlands. Kees Blokland, managing director Agriterra, argued that the cooperatives should be left in hands of farmers. Harm Haverkort, country director Agriterra Vietnam, mentioned the Cooperative Development Plan and Frank van Holst, RVO, told about land consolidation.