Women be prepared! Women and men should play an equal role

13-01-2014 Women and men should play an equal role in development, working together in and outside the farm. Women be prepared!

Latabu Grace is 46 years old and part of a farmers group in the Kitgum district. The name of the group is Lanyeko Bwole is located in the sub county Layamo in the Village Lalwal. Her group consists of 30 members, 15 men and 15 women. She is married and has 8 children in the age of 6-20 years. They are still studying and working on the farm. The oldest contributes to the income of the household. Latabu is explaining that the group members are from one clan, The group started working together on a demonstration plot with sunflower production of 1 acre per member by using hybrid sunflower seeds. They also started to produce as a member. They yielded on average 220 kg/acre, the goal is to yield 500 kg/acre which is sold to the farmer’s organisation (KIDFA, Kitgum district Farmers Organisation) to get sunflower oil to be used at home (approximately 2 liters per household), and if surplus sold at the market. They use hybrid seeds to increase production, which the farmer’s organisation provides to them (for the demonstration plot for free, and for individual use with loans). Through the farmers organisation they have learned to do the weeding in time when sunflower not has grown so high. They have planned this year to have a collective area of 5 acres (+ 30 acres individually). With the income out of this, the group wants to buy an ox for ploughing, which is done so far with hand hoes.


Lutaba explains how the gender awareness has gained her more knowledge. Husband and wife should participate at all stages of production which include preparing the land, planting, weeding, harvesting and marketing. The general observation is still that husband control 75% in marketing, while women control 25%. Latabu insists that husbands should not override women in decision making on how to use the income in cash crops like sunflower, neither on the acquisition of farm tools which is many times the responsibility of the husband to decide. She shows her storage which is according to her the minimum standard to store, hardly any protection against post-harvest losses, theft and burning. And last not least women like Latabu advise their husbands to go to check their blood in a clinic to know if they are HIV/Aids infected. Women want to be prepared. 

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