PHILIPPINES - To strengthen their position in cooperatives in rural areas and their value chain, Agriterra and East-West Seed Philippines organized a Female Leadership Training (FLT), for agricultural cooperatives, to increase the women’s knowledge and improve skills on leadership, gender and diversity. This is the 7th batch of FLT conducted this year.
"Even if you're only a member of a cooperative doesn't mean that it is the only thing that we can reach. From this training, I learned that I also have the ability to lead and have followers, and that I have good ideas. I am used to attending our coop's meeting by remaining quiet at the side line but now, I feel that I can also voice out my opinion and ideas."
says Joyce, FLT participant.
During the last night of the training two groups of coops, informally discussed their relationship with their leader, General Management or Chairperson, after they gained information on personality styles. This is one of the modules discussed during the FLT.
As a result of this training, they came up with Action Plans that gave them concrete ideas that they can incorporate in their Gender and Development Plan which is a requirement from all cooperatives in the Philippines.
This training was attended by six agricultural cooperatives of East West Seeds, serving as a Local Resource Organization, under the USAID-project funded by Generating Rural Opportunities by Working with Cooperatives (GROW Coop) implemented by Agriterra.