Erwin Brouwer studied Anthropology and has a MBA with specialisation in marketing, thereby combining producers, customers and users perspectives. For Erwin creativity, effectiveness and collaboration are key values in the various functions he has performed.
An experienced advisor, trainer and manager, Erwin started in July 2019 as business advisor with Agriterra for Burkina Faso. Previous positions in the Balkans, DR Congo and the Great Lakes Region, South East Asia and the Pacific have shaped his experience in the Dutch and international development context, especially in the fields of management, capacity development, economic development.
Before joining Agriterra, Erwin worked in the private sector, where he started a solar home company in Indonesia, and later worked as Marketing Director with an Indonesian-American Tech company, specialised in operating solar PV Micro-Grids: with technology available, the question remains how its usage can be optimised and be relevant for end-users, thereby driving the business case for companies, investors as well as end-users.
Sustainable energy and food production are two major global challenges Erwin is passionate about: environmental as well as social-economic sustainability. Cooperatives are the right business model to achieve the latter.