Sustainable Development Goals Partnership (SDGP)

Increasing maize value chain efficiency in Rwanda

Since July 2019, the consortium started the inception phase of the Sustainable Development Goals Partnership facility (SDGP) project called ‘Increased maize value chain efficiency in Rwanda’. 
This is a 4,5-year project with the objective of significantly reducing post-harvest losses, eradicating aflatoxin contamination from the maize value chain, improving market access for maize cooperatives and increasing the bankability of selected farmer cooperatives. 

Mycoop Training for SDGP maize Clients in Southern Province

The project supports farmer cooperatives involved in the maize value chain across the country. The project partners include Africa Improved Foods (AIF), Agriterra, Sight and Life and the Rwandan Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources.  

The project started with the inception phase that led to the selection of 15 cooperatives from different districts by Agriterra. Together, Agriterra and the cooperatives have developed one-year action plans which will be implemented during the project. 

Demo Plot Field Visit

Agriterra and its project partners have started playing their roles and have already achieved a lot in supporting the cooperatives.
Download here the progress report with a summary of activities done during period of June to December 2020. 
Download here the progress report from July 2020 to June 2021. 

News articles about the SDGP maize project:



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