
22 Aug

Farmer Focused Transformation reflection

Written by James Sablerolles and Esmee van Schuppen

Halfway through phase 1

2023 is a critical year in the field of sustainable development because it marks the halfway point in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is a time of reflection, critical review, and a reality check. Despite global efforts, the latest data paints a concerning picture, with 30% of the SDG targets showing no progression, or even regression below the 2015 baseline. Consider, for example, SDG 2, which aspires to achieve Zero Hunger by 2030. Despite global efforts, projections show that an estimated 600 million people – 7% of the world's population - will still suffer from hunger in 2030. This is the same proportion as in 2015, meaning that there will no progress on SDG 2. 

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