
03 Jul

A journey towards sustainable potato seed production

Written by James Sablerolles (Programme Coordinator FFT & Acting Now) and Benoit Mutabazi (Acting Now Lead Rwanda)

The Seed Potato Fund (SPF), a Farmer Organisation supported by Agriterra since 2018, has the goal of becoming a leader in the seed potato business in Rwanda, covering all aspects of the value chain. Rwanda is the largest producer of Irish potatoes in the East African Community, which is an important Food & Nutrition Security (FNS) crop. Due to the significance of potatoes for FNS in Rwanda, the critical role SPF and its partners can play in the potato-seed value chain for food security and the degree of trust and experience built over the last years, Agriterra will be continuing its collaboration with SPF through the FNS focused Acting Now programme, running from 2023 to 2025.

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